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Birthday Countdown Widget
1 reviews
6.8 k downloads

How many days, heartbeats, or kisses until your birthday?

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Start counting down to your next birthday in style with the Birthday Countdown Widget. This unique widget provides a dynamic way to look forward to special days, offering a creative twist by allowing you to countdown using whimsical units like kisses, heartbeats, or down to the exact minute. It's also designed to let you track age with the same inventive approach, embracing a whole range of time units from years to days.

The user experience is straightforward and enjoyable, emphasizing key features such as a customizable 4x1 widget, support for full landscape orientation, and the ability to easily toggle the toolbar off and on with a simple tap. Customize your countdown by choosing from various default images or add a personal touch by using your own photos as the background. To further personalize the experience, users can play their own favorite music as they anticipate the birthday.

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For those desiring an even more customized experience, upgrading to premium unlocks advanced features, including a larger 4x4 widget, managing multiple countdowns, and the ability to add custom phrases. This premium version also introduces a slideshow option and removes advertisements for a sleeker look. Every second leading up to a birthday becomes memorable with this playful and engaging app.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about Birthday Countdown Widget

Package Name com.cg.android.birthdaycountdown
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Personal
Language English
46 more
Author Sevenlogics, INC
Downloads 6,811
Date Feb 7, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk Android + 5.0 Mar 29, 2023
apk Android + 5.0 Sep 8, 2022
apk Android + 5.0 Jan 25, 2022
apk Android + 5.0 Jan 23, 2022
apk Android + 5.0 Dec 4, 2020
apk 5.4.2018030601-1 Android + 4.4 Dec 26, 2018

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